Where : Gulmohar Hall, India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.
When : Tuesday, 10th Sep. 2019 from 7:30 p.m (Snacks at 06:30 p.m.)
On behalf of the Oxford and Cambridge Society of India, The President and The Secretary , Oxford and Cambridge Society of India (OCSI) have the pleasure to forward an invitation on behalf of authors: Ratna and Suhasini Vira, Sage Publishers to the launch of WHY PEOPLE GIVE: INTERPRETING ALTRUISM.
We regularly see numerous displays of altruistic behaviour and instances of philanthropy, where the beneficiaries are often complete strangers. We cannot understand philanthropy without considering the motivation for giving: Why people give, their beliefs and, more importantly, the realisation that in giving we receive. This book is passionately argued, deeply researched and full of indelible stories of real people. The authors build a case for altruism and the urgent need for empathy in an increasingly self-centred and materialistic world. Through stories drawn from real life, this book will change how we look at the act of giving. It shows that each one of us can bring about a change, if only we have the will. We don’t have to wait for governments or big corporations to act because the power lies within us – we can be the catalysts.
You could read more about the book by clicking here.
The authors, Ratna and Suhasini, have committed the royalty from this book to the Genesis Foundation to help pay for heart surgeries for critically ill children in India. Do buy copies of the book, it’s a great read and the proceeds go to a wonderful cause.
Tea, coffee and snacks will be served from 6.30pm onwards and the launch function will begin promptly at 7.30pm.