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President’s Message – 9 Oct 2020

Dear Members,
I am writing to you for the first time after taking over as President of the Oxford and Cambridge Society of India last month. I wish to thank you all for the confidence reposed in me.
We had an engaging first meeting of the Executive Committee on 2nd October 2020 and I have requested all the office bearers and Members of the Committee to come up with their suggestions based on which we will prepare a blueprint of the activities in the first year.
The Executive Committee is in the course of charting out a schedule of events. We have allocated responsibilities amongst ourselves and you will be soon hearing from some of us who have taken on responsibility for organising specific events.
We cannot predict how soon we will see the end of this pandemic, and I hope things will be back to the normalcy of the pre Covid era. Till then many of the activities of the Society will be on virtual platforms.
Amongst the proposed activities with personal interaction would be heritage walks, travel within India, apart from (experimental) monthly drinks at the Oberoi. Needless to say, all such activities will be organised keeping the health and safety of Members and their families paramount.
I take this opportunity to invite suggestions from any Member on activities or areas of interest which are not covered by the Executive Committee in the schedule of events which we will send out After the next meeting of the Executive Committee later this month.

We look forward to considering your suggestions and shall try and incorporate them in our calendar of activities. You can send any such suggestion to the Secretary, Vidur Bhatia at his email address which is: and or to my email address

Apart from the regular activities of the Society, I hope that with your support we will be able to generate funds for the scholarships programme by seeking contributions to the corpus as also annual financial commitments from our members to help increase the reach of our scholarships.
The OCSI is an elite body with a diverse range of members who have achieved great heights. I believe that we in the OCSI have a social commitment and responsibility to those less fortunate. I am sure many of you have specific causes and charities to which you contribute, both in terms of time and financial support. This pandemic has brought about great social and economic hardships. In my view, we in the OCSI would be failing in our duty to society if we do not reach out to the less fortunate in this time.
I look forward to hearing from you and am sharing my office address and contact details below.
With regards,
Sidharth Luthra

The Oxford and Cambridge Society of India




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